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Shamanic Journey:
Activate Your Unseen Support Team
* a journey to meet your spirit guides *


During this time of chaos and rapid change it’s never been more important for our wellbeing to feel supported, and to feel loved…unconditionally.


That can be hard to find when everyone around you is in the same morass of doubt, confusion and fear.


What if you had a whole team of spirit guides who could always be present for you, always support you with their wisdom and guidance, and who always love you unconditionally for just being yourself?


They are there. Can you feel them with you?


It can require a leap of faith when you take your first steps to consciously connect with your spirit guides, but the results, the healing, the opportunities to learn, grow, and embrace a more authentic version of yourself are undeniable.


Part of my calling is to help others take that leap of faith and connect you in real, undeniable ways with your own spirit guides, so that you, too, can open yourself up to what is possible when you are actively in community with them.


My deepest desire for you is that with the conscious presence of your guides in your life you begin to see the world in a new, more hopeful way. That you choose the path you want to walk knowing that the wisdom available to you informs that choice with your highest good in mind. That you find a purpose that makes your heart sing. That you live life intentionally.





To help you activate (or deepen) your relationship

with your spirit guides:


I have created a unique 30 minute one on one experience that allows a  Shamanic journey to be taken on your behalf and for you to be brought on it energetically so you can receive messages from up to three of your personal guides in real time, thus providing a meaningful introduction to them.


Here’s what to expect:


  • During this experience you will be asked to be in a comfortable, quiet place. You are encouraged to have something to write on so you can take notes if you want to. (You will be receiving a recording of the entire session as well).

  • As we begin, an energetic container will be created for this experience in what shaman call “non-ordinary reality.” This energetic bubble that is a safe space to bring you into energetically.

  • The entire experience will be described to you so you can use your imagination to envision it.

  • Messages offered to you by your guides will be relayed to you in real time, which offers an opportunity for questions to be asked of them in the moment.

  • When our time with your guides comes to a close, you will be brought energetically back into your body and grounded. 


Whether you are already aware of and communicating with your guides, or have never consciously experienced a spirit guide, this Activate Your Unseen Support Team: A journey to meet your spirit guides session will introduce you to and strengthen your relationship with your personal guides.


Why is this conscious relationship so important?


Your guides always have your highest and best good as their guiding light and thus they offer insights and guidance specific to your life's path. This activation experience helps to validate that your guides are real, which helps you to move from any doubts you might have to belief in their loving presence.


Letting go of doubt and learning to ask for their help empowers the opportunities for you and your guides to work more consciously together. This partnership creates more ease (reducing anxiety and fear), deeper knowing and more compassion for yourself and others (increasing confidence and worthiness), and makes space for more joy and more peace to lift you up and light you up.


These effects in you create a lovely ripple effect that positively helps others lift up, too!​​​



Are you ready to Activate Your Unseen Support Team and begin a

beautiful supportive and loving relationship

with your spirit guides?


One on one 30 minute session​





"My journey was an experience that continues to enrich my life. Expertly led by Laurin, I felt loved, protected and encouraged. I now know how to invite connection with my invisible guides at any time. If you are looking for a wise and compassionate mentor, it’s probably more than coincidence that you’ve landed here."

  D. Murphy

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